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Friday, June 14, 2013

I Hate Baby Safety Gates

Dear Baby Gates (the safety-variety, not the kind that share DNA with Bill Gates),
I hate you. I really hate you. I mean it. You're complicated to assemble and a bitch-and-a-half to maneuver around. In the past three days, we have looked at dozens of baby gates to see if one of you would fit in the space that occupies the opening of our stairs. So far, three of you have failed us.


How am I meant to protect my little ones if I can't assemble you properly? And why is my dog smart enough to get through the gate but the latch eludes most human beings?? WHY!!!!

You come in a variety of fashions - all too tall for my stairs. What does a girl have to do to get a baby gate that doesn't look horrific yet fits the needs of her house?

So, in closing, baby gates, I really hate you. I do. And I hate the companies that make you. Do better.

Mrs. Hilly G.


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