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Friday, November 30, 2012

A Personal Plea

Last week, just before Thanksgiving, I found out that my uncle passed away. He died from something that should have been caught early. He died from something he could have caught early. He had prostate cancer.

Needless to say, I put on a brave face last week but I was heart broken inside. My uncle was actually my great-uncle. I was really close to him. He was my grandmother's baby half-brother. At only five years older than my dad, he may not have always felt like an 'uncle' to my dad. I mean, he DID live a half a world away. He also had kids around the same age as my sisters and me. Yet, when I moved to Israel, he was one of the first people to extend his hand and offer me help. It wasn't monetary help - it was REAL help. He set me up with kitchen items, taught me the banking system, and helped me translate contracts and other documents in Hebrew.

He was a real mensch. I will miss him greatly. I don't want his memory to be forgotten so, just before he passed away, I donated to Movember. A few of my guy friends grow mustaches every year in hopes that people will donate money to help fund research for prostate cancer.

So, now I'm asking for your help. My friends are just shy of their goal of $10,000. Will you help them reach their goal? I donated and plan on donating again today - but today is the last day to donate!! Please help them out - donate what you can $10, $18, $20 - every dollar counts and they'll be eternally grateful. I'll be eternally grateful. Don't forget 'tis the season - so please help. Feel free to donate here.


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