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Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Menu Plan

Good morning friends and fans! Last week I battled some depressive episodes - SO not fun - but this week, I'm feeling more alive and energized! I'm not really sure why, though. Either way, this week is going to be an AMAZING week! This is Craig's first full week at Advomas, which means I get the week to myself with Yoavi. YOAVI/IMA BONDING TIME - WHOO HOO!! I'm really excited about this kid (if you can't tell!) and I'm really enjoying watching his every move (seriously!). He's learning to crawl now and taking his own sweet time getting in his teeth. His cousins already have a few teeth, and he seems to be the last in line for 'em. He likes to talk up a storm - unless he's thinking about something, then he's REALLY quiet and there's no breaking his train of thought.

My little monkey!!
Last weekend, my niece and nephew slept over. My niece helped me give Yoavi a bath and then noticed a dolphin on his pacifier (she picked it out!)  - she asked me "How do you say 'Dolphin' in Hebrew?" I told her "Dolphine" (Dol-feen/דולפין) - and she argued with me. So, we looked it up on Google Translate and, surprise, Auntie Hil was right! Then she said "it sounds French!" What does a five-year-old know about French? Apparently a lot. She's a smart cookie!

Ya know who else is a smart cookie? Me. I've gotten back to menu planning and here's what's on the list for this week's dinners:
Monday: Beef stew with Pasta (think Hungarian goulash but not), salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, cheddar cheese (shredded), grapes
Tuesday: Burgers, potato wedges, roasted cauliflower, salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, sliced almonds, provolone cheese, and mandarin oranges.
Wednesday: Pasta with tomato sauce (for my stepdad and Craig) and Pierogies with a lemon butter and garlic sauce (for my mom and me), salad with cucumbers, roasted cauliflower, roasted sweet potato, roasted potato, grapes, and french fried onions
Thursday: Roasted chicken with rice, pan seared brussel sprouts in a garlic butter sauce, salad with cucumbers, tomato, provolone cheese, and french fried onions
Friday: baked cube steak, baked potatoes, steamed broccoli, and another salad

I have a lot of cooking to do today! Aside from the beef stew, I am making pumpkin apple cinnamon muffins and baked oatmeal - I'll share those recipes later in the week and I'll take pictures!!

I need your help! I'm running out of menu ideas for next week - leave me some hearty and yummy recipes in the comments section!

Shavuah tov, all!


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