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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blanket Lifters Exist!!

Diabetes and arthritis run in my family (ich!) - which means that, at some point, I may develop one or both of these diseases. What a lot of people don't know is diabetes, arthritis, gout, and even sports injuries can cause pain in your feet. Not only can it cause foot pain, it can make the skin on your feet hurt. Just touching the skin with sheets can hurt you -  how much does that suck?!? My grandmother is having an issue with her feet right now - she can't wear shoes, socks, or even let a blanket touch her - that's how much her skin hurts.

I started looking around the web for a way to keep the bedsheets from touching her feet. I wasn't sure if anything like this existed but I was surprised (and happy) to learn that there is a blanket lifter that does this! It's called the FootSleepGuard and, I swear, it's totally unique. I'm a wiz with Google and even I couldn't find anything else that came close to this.

This blanket lift does exactly what it sounds like - it lifts the blanket off of your bed and keeps it hovering over your feet, but not ON your feet. I found this helpful video that kind of explains what it is:
This would have come in handy when I was pregnant and my sheets just made me itchy. I'm going to run it past my grandma and see what she thinks of it. There are some bonus points for this that may help me win my case: it travels well. Not that she travels much, but it'll also fit inside her suitcase - if she needs it. Plus, it sits on top of the mattress, not under the bed - so she can move it easily. It's also patented - which is pretty cool.

Would you ever use this or recommend it to your grandparents? I'm just wondering if I have too much time on my hands to find products like this or if it really seems like a good investment.


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