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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Buzz on Celebstir

Have you heard of It's a new-ish social networking site that allows you to connect with celebs and chat with them through live video chats. I had the great pleasure of taking a look at Celebstir to see what the buzz is about and to see if you, my dear readers, would be into it.

I'll admit it, I'm kind of a fan of celebs. They lead these amazing lives that are as complex as they are simple. They aren't like you and me - they don't go to work from 9 to 5. They don't spend their lives struggling to pay their mortgage and wondering how they are going to send their child to college. I guess that's what interests me.

The site isn't exactly what I thought it would be. You can chat with Olympians but I don't see Jason Segel video chatting with me. I DO see up-and-coming folks using Celebstir to boost their career and I think that's awesome! If you're looking for the next big comedian or some indie music  to listen to, you'll like If you want to chat with the likes of NPH - you may not find him on this site.


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