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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to Normalcy

Yesterday, in my first ever vlog, I promised there'd be more posts in September, so here we go!!

Today, it feels like September. The weather is kind of gross and the kids are heading back to school today. So, what are WE doing? A whole lotta nothing. We're still job hunting. Here's the low down...

I've had two really awesome interviews at TelCom credit union! I've also had two awesome interviews at Quicken Loans. I'd gladly accept jobs at either company but I love the fact that TelCom is up the road from my house...and it's financial. I am not a numbers person but I love the financial world. It fascinates me. Quicken Loans is also somewhat financial.

I know that I have an end goal and it's not necessarily in the world of finance but my end goal doesn't have to be accomplished today. Grad school just started (OMG!) and so far, so good. I love my classes! While the literature in my Judaism and Christianity class makes me sleepy, the readings I have in my Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust class is invigorating!! It's interesting to see the different definitions of resistance and really empowering to see how people banded together to fight the Nazis. I think I'm most excited about the class History of Antisemitism - it'll be interesting to see the source of so much hatred.

Craig is also looking for work - we're hoping to hear back from more companies now that the holiday is over and life is getting back to normal. We both need jobs - sitting around is getting annoying. Anyone want to hire us??

Cecil for Hire! After all, he IS a genius!


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