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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Gratitude Challenge - the Lost Days

First, Happy America Day (as some of my Israeli friends call it) - I hope you're having a fantastic 4th of July and I REALLY hope you're grateful to the men and women who risk their lives to protect your freedom every day. I know I am!

I kind of missed out on day 3 and almost day 4 of the Gratitude Challenge. Why? Well, I got tired and the lazy side of me took over. Still, I DO want to tell you what I'm grateful for. A little back story first...

Yesterday, Yoav had two doctor's visits that I deemed completely unnecessary. One was a follow up with his orthopedist to make sure his bowed feet straightened out (they did) and the second was a follow up to a follow up with his neurologist. Well, the first appointment (with the foot doctor) was almost missed. I decided to out-smart traffic and I accidentally turned into an area that took me straight to the highway. Yes, I felt like an idiot. Yes, I called my husband for help. He rescheduled the appointment for later that afternoon.

Peekaboo - I see you!!
The appointment with the neurologist was missed but only because I hit major traffic. It takes a half an hour (often less) to get from my house to his office - yet, yesterday it would have taken me 90 minutes. Craig called the office to ask if it was OK for me to be late and they told him 'no', so he canceled it!

Look what I can do!
So, why the back story? First, I felt like an idiot but in my idiocy, I actually got to spend more time with Yoav, which is something I've been CRAVING lately! Second, it gave me more down time - I was actually able to just chill for a bit. So, I am eternally grateful for yesterday!

And what about today... Well, every year, on the 4th of July, my office celebrates the holiday. My bosses are aware that most of us miss being home this time of year, so they always bring in lunch for us. The food wasn't so tasty but the sentiment was really appreciated.

Hi. Why won't you just let me sleep!

I'm grateful for a few other things, too...
  • We have great friends - we really do!
  • My friends at work because they just get me. It's a rare thing to find.
  • My son - but not in the cheesy way - he's taught me humility and patience.
  • Hot dogs! I'm really grateful for them because they're very versatile for me when cooking here.
  • My freedom...I'm really grateful to have citizenship to two countries in which I'm free. I don't take my freedom for granted - it's truly a gift!

Why do we keep going to the doctor??

So, tell me, this 4th of July, what are YOU grateful for! Keep those positive thoughts comin'!!


Diane said...

Im grateful to have a wonderful fiance ( we got engaged this weekend) who deals with all my family drama. Neither of my parents are well, and my dad is starting chemo very soon. My fiance is extremely supportive and gives me strength when I think I have run out.

Carolyn M said...

A wonderful husband! We're on vacation and having a great time and I'm so thankful that he does fun things with me that he might not do by himself or with someone else.

Becoming Supermommy said...

Oh, man...
This day, especially, I am grateful for my husband.

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