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Monday, April 30, 2012

I Made a Boo-Boo

Yesterday I made a mistake. It's a mistake that is eating me up inside and it's making me quite depressed today.

What did I do? I mistakenly sent out an email that should have been done individually and was sent out via carbon copy.

You might think: seriously, it's not that big of a deal. You'd be right - it's not but some of the responses I received back from this mistake are horrifying.

I sent out the email to a group of life coaches. The email basically was a "reminder" email that they didn't respond to my first email (which was sent individually). One life coach called me "unethical" - she sent a message back to everyone that I mistakenly emailed and called me unethical and insinuated that I was lazy.

I did my part. I apologized to her and a few others who wrote me back negatively. I sincerely meant those apologies but her reaction really got me thinking ... since when is it OK to be so cruel to someone who clearly made a mistake?

As a marketing director, I receive hundreds of pitches from bloggers asking me to send them a product to review. On quite a few occasions, a few writers have forgotten to send the email as a BCC instead of CC. Do I rip them a new one? No. I never even mention it because it doesn't take away from the message of their email. Do I care that it was sent to 30 other people? Not at all.

So where does this woman get off calling me unethical? I made a mistake! I'm human and we ALL make mistakes. Her comments were hurtful and incredibly rude and, in my opinion, she should NOT be a life coach. Her job is to support people and help them down their new path. Does she humiliate her clients when they make mistakes? I hope not.

While I learned my lesson, I want you to ask yourself this: the last time someone made a mistake that involved you, how did you handle it?

I honestly hope that you didn't lash out at the person. Maybe you realized it was a mistake or maybe you thought the person was an idiot - either way, how did you react?

We're human, we make mistakes but does my mistake warrant the response I got? You tell me.


Jodi said...

Wow! This person coaches other people??? Does that mean that she's sicing other angry bitter people out on the world??? I hope she coaches people to be better than she is!

CTgirl4now said...

As a life coach, you would think they would be a little more understanding and compassionate to you. Don't take it personally, it may have just been her having a bad day, or she just really doesn't have her own "ethical" decisions in line.

Carolyn M said...

Hey gal, you are human. I made a typo mistake on a gal's name and she freaked the other night in front of all of her group because of my typo. At age 52 you know that some things are worthy of a huge reaction (like cancer or losing a baby or a family member dying) and then a typo on one vowel at the end of a name is like way down the rungs! So is what you did with the people who clearly don't know you very well. Try not to let it bother you past a big hug and kiss with your baby. And once you get that done this morning... look in the mirror and try to laugh it off gal. Laughter is the best medicine! Love you lots, CaRoLNY

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