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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Traveling Husband

Traveling Husband
This guest post from Hong Alexander

When my husband and I got married last year, I wasn’t prepared for him to be gone so much. Six months after our wedding, he took a job that requires him to be on the road two weeks per month. When he got the offer I was supportive. I thought I would be fine since I lived by myself for five years before we were married. I thought I would be able to spend more time going out with my girlfriends, and that it would be fun. I was a bit surprised when I had problems coping with him being gone. I was scared to be alone at home at night, and my friends were busy most of the time. My husband got us a home alarm system from adt south carolina because he thought it would make me feel better, but it didn’t really work. There is no substitute for having your husband sleep next to you. I’m hoping that in a year or two he will get a promotion that will allow him to be home more. I’m not sure how long I can handle this loneliness.


Katie said...

My husband and I did long distance for 2 years before we got married. It was so hard. Even now, I hate it when he's out of town even for a couple of days. I'm even a pretty independent person and lived alone for a long time before him. Life's just better with him in it.

myshelomitashop said...

My husband and I worked in different city on the first two years of our marriage. He took the job when I was around 6 months pregnant. Things had been pretty tough as we used to do all the things together and now I had to drive myself everywhere, go pay the bills, taking care the house and all the things in between juggling with my work. When he got the opportunity to work overseas, I quit my job and joined him. Different city was still okay for me although we only saw each other like two days monthly but being in different country is definitely something else. But you'll get through this, don't worry. Sending you the positive vibes from here :)

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