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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cooking + a Cold = Stupid

I've been feeling lousy for the last week or so. What started out as a sore throat turned into a full blown cold. Ich! I finally feel like I'm on the other side of it and I have two recipes for you today. I apologize that there are no pictures but I promise both of these recipes are SUPER easy and take less than five minutes of prep.

This is what I do when I'm sick - between bouts of laying on the couch, I cook. I make comfort food.

I made two things... well, half made. More like concocted. I took veggie soup and make it more chicken-y and I doctored up a basic yellow cake.

Here are the recipes:
Chicken-y Soup
1/2 breast of chicken
1 chicken leg
1 chicken thigh
I box of ready-made veggie soup
4 cups of water

In a big pot, pour in your veggie soup and 4 cups of water. Then place your chicken in. Let it sit for about a half hour or until the chicken is cooked thoroughly. Once your chicken is cooked, take it out and your soup is ready. You can also add rice or noodles to the soup.

See? I told you it was easy!

Sweet Apple Cake
1 box of yellow cake mix
3 eggs
1 1/3 cup water
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 can of apple pie filling

In a mixing bowl, mix the yellow cake mix, 3 eggs, water, and oil. Once that's mixed well, add your can of apple pie filling. Place the mixture in a baking pan and pop it into the oven - bake for about 40 minutes at 350F. The apple will likely fall to the bottom of the cake, which is fine.

Let the apple cake cool slightly before you eat it. You can also make muffins instead of cake - the recipe works the same.

The sweet apple cake was meant to be for my work Rosh Hashanah party but since I made it while I was sick, I'm keeping it at home with me.

Enjoy these super easy recipes and have a Happy Saturday!


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