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Monday, October 18, 2010

Keep on Movin' On

I did it. I resigned from my job. While I won't go into details, I will say that my future looks bright... so I gotta wear shaaaaaades. Anyway, life is looking quite good right now. Craig is home from his 2 week stint in the army. I hope there's a long pause between call-ups because I did NOT enjoy him being gone for so long.

Last week we were watching our friend's dog, Blanca. She is ADORABLE! And a cuddler... and very big. She's a big dog who thought that since Sparky and Cecil were small, she could be small, too! Except she's not. She is no where NEAR the size of a lap dog like Cecil BUT my boys played with her They played so much that both dogs were constantly covered in dog slobber. They played hard. My neighbor still likes to remind me that she could hear them at 10pm. I'm surprised she can hear anything with the amount of times she says "HUH? What did you say?" when I speak to her. She's a nice lady though.

This coming weekend is exciting! Two of our friends got engaged and we're going to their engagement party!! Not only that, I'm cooking! I'm trying to come up with some easy-ish finger food that is either dairy or parve (neither dairy nor meat is in the ingredients). Any ideas? So far, I have about 3 lbs. worth of puff pastry to keep me occupied. I also thought of crackers with cream cheese and a roasted pepper piece on top. I also thought of using this recipe from Buns In My Oven. It's a really yummy pumpkin pie... I'll just need to make them pumpkin tarts.

What do you think? Recipes welcome!!


Courtney said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Can not believe that there is another pup out there that looks like our sweet Claire! So cute.

We just got finished dog sitting as well. Thank goodness for Dyson and Swiffer :)

Hillary Glaser said...

My husband is DYING to get a Dyson! Sparky sheds like no other! It's super frustrating!

Our Swiffer is awesome with the exception that Cecil goes after the cloths on his own now... apparently they are toys! Who knew!

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