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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Kids are a Blessing

Almost 8 weeks ago, I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy.

Holy hell.

I don't think I've slept in 8 weeks.

Today is the first day in a looooooong time that I'm not wearing yoga pants when I venture out of the house.

Also, my hair is done.

So is my make up ... kind of.

Having two kids is hard, y'all. Having two kids under two with neither of them walking is sadistic.

It's also a blessing.

That's what I keep reminding myself. Having kids is a blessing. When they smile at you, want a hug, sit in your lap, and try to feed you their already-been-chewed food - they're a blessing.

They're also the devil. Or, as I call them, terrorist #1 and terrorist #2.

Baby-cakes is gassy, fussy, rarely smiles, and doesn't really like people. If Yo sees me holding the baby, he instantly lashes out because he wants attention.

I know, you're about to dish out some advice on how he needs discipline and boundaries. Save it. He has it. He's also going through the terrible 2s a little early. OK, a LOT early.

They feed off each other. And they will for the rest of their lives.

Parenting ain't easy - or cheap. It's not for the weak. And it'll turn the most intelligent person into a blithering idiot.

Still, kids are a blessing and, as my grandfather says, each kid brings his (or her) own luck.

I'm lucky that...
I can function without sleep.
I tend to be on the OCD side of organizing.
I like to cook.
I have a job to go back to in a few days.

Why am I lucky for these things? The first one is obvious. Still, if I wasn't hyper-organized with certain things, my house would be horrific and I'd never be able to find anything. Having a love for cooking is great because it's my 'down' time - plus, my family would either a) starve; or b) live on Hungry Howie's Pizza - which would make me about 300lbs. And I'm lucky that I have a job to go back to because it'll save my sanity. Plus, I crave adult conversation where I don't have to talk about the kids, the house, or the dogs. I can talk about politics, work, literature, history... even (or especially) comic books.

So, I'm both lucky and blessed. And I will keep reminding myself of this whenever O makes this face...


Becoming Supermommy said...

Mazel tov!!!

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