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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

When Gremlins and Babies Collide

The last 24+ hours have been less-than-fun. Seriously. The one-time I decide to take some time off and spend it with Yoavi, I get hit with a whirlwind of shit.

Do you know what it feels like when a gremlin decides to show up in your stomach, eat after midnight, then get wet and multiply? I do. I've had this issue before and it was NOT pretty.

And I'm not talking about the baby.

Yesterday, while walking around Target with Yoav, I started having serious pains in my stomach. We left and I called the OB, who told me to go to the hospital. I panicked.

One of my cousins in Israel gave birth at 32 weeks. Her son survived but I remember the hell she went through.

I'm 32 weeks pregnant.

I panicked. Seriously panicked. I called Craig, my stepdad, my mom... anyone I could think of that could possibly come watch Yoav so I could head to the hospital. Craig sped home. My mom did the same, so she could watch Yoav.

I was admitted to the hospital by noon. By 4pm, I was being discharged.

Diagnosis: preterm contractions and an irritable uterus.
Prescription: Bed rest for a few days and lots of fluids, plus an IV.
Problem: after 1 IV and hours of being off my feet, the contractions didn't stop.
Not this kind. Image Source.

Right? It had to be a gremlin. It felt like my child was swimming in a sea of acid and he was trying to kick his way out. In the process, something was grabbing my stomach, pulling, and releasing every few minutes.
gremlin monster
More like this kind. Image Source.
I tried everything, hot tea, warm compresses, Gas X, Immodium, Tums, a heating pad... for reals, everything.

Alas, today, at the doctor's office, I relayed my symptoms and told my OB how pissed I am that the hospital discharged me without taking my concerns (and pains) seriously. Her answer: it might be your gallbladder. Awesome.

At least it was an answer.

Some blood was taken. Advice was given (take Zantac twice a day). I felt a little better, mentally, but physically, I feel like a gremlin ravaged my body. Thankfully, I have some awesome people who volunteered to come watch Yoavi for me, today. I could not have functioned without them.


Becoming Supermommy said...

Oh no!!!! I hope you start feeling better quickly! Gall bladder problems in pregnancy SUCK!

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