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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Crazy Busy Stress

I'm stressed. I admit it. This week is going to be hectic and I already feel it! I've made lists upon lists of things that need to get done this week and I'm nervous that something is going to drop. One of my stressors is my upcoming job hunt. I'm looking for telecommuting jobs for when we move back to Detroit. So far, I've applied for over 30 jobs that I am completely qualified to do. I also applied for about 20 jobs I'm kinda qualified to do. I've been utilizing for my job hunt and I'm really impressed with the jobs I'm finding. I just wish they would get back to me.

Craig has his green card interview this week and I'm nervous as all hell. When you add the fact that Yoav's eye surgery consult is on the same day, I'm likely to have a nervous breakdown. Thankfully, my good friend, A, is coming with me to the appointment. I don't know what I'd do without her! She's really great at keeping me focused and stress-free (or as stress-free as I can be).

I'm really grateful that it's June already. That means Craig's schooling is almost finished. Right now, he's working on his senior thesis paper on the Online Me vs. Digital Me. (Please take his survey - it'll take 3 minutes to complete!!) I'm also grateful because it means 8 weeks left at my j-o-b before I take off and start a new adventure. It also means I have 8 weeks left to find some freelance work. Yikes.

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

Goodness ... it's gonna be a loooong week. What do YOU do to get rid of stress?


Jodi said...

Wanna hear a funny? When I'm stressed I look at pics of my sisters' kids. :-P

Grace said...

I'm going to become your grandma for the moment and give you some advise.
Calm down, everything is going to be okay. Breath deeply and expel all that nervousness and turn it into excitement. Craig is going to get his green card :), the doctors appointment will go well and be over.
Stop looking at the stressful moments and look at the adventure before you.
Your coming home Hilly and I'm so excited for you. Your family is waiting and your little boy will soon be submerged in the love that only your family can give. Your job is waiting for you and you will find it because it is meant to be.
Click your heels together and repeat, "There is no place like home." "There is no place like home."
Some of my most stressful moments have yielded my most treasured results. The same will be true for you.
Enjoy the moment.

Stasha said...

Margaritas...At least three. ANd maybe some chocolate. off to do the survey.

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