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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Accident Prone Teeth

To say that I'm accident prone is an understatement. To say that my dental bills as a kid put my pediatric dentist's children through college is putting it mildly. Put the two together and you have my current situation.

My teeth suck.

When I was pregnant, I broke two teeth.

Three months post-birth and I can safely say ... I'm still breaking teeth thanks to Yoav. Seriously. He knocked his head against my jaw and I broke another tooth.

Thankfully, I'm REALLY into juices and smoothies lately because that's all I can eat until I get it fixed on Sunday.

So, in honor of my broken tooth, I give you my recipe for a feel-good fruit shake that's not just tasty, it's good for you, too.

Berry Nice to Meet You Melon Shake
1 slice of frozen honey dew (in chunks)
1/8 cup of frozen blue berries
1/4 pink grapefruit
A few frozen raspberries
1 small container of strawberry yogurt
1/4 cup of cold green tea

Take out a blender, combine all ingredients - blend until smooth. Drink up. If you want the shake to be more liquidy, add more tea.

There you have it - my savior of all fruit shakes. It's a great morning shake!


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