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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tis the Season to Send Holiday Cards

Earlier today, I posted something on my friend's FB wall. I told her that I tried listening to Pandora's Hanukkah station but it just wasn't the same as listening to Christmas music. When I lived overseas, we used to listen to Christmas music at work. I hated it then because it felt awkward listening to Christmas music in the Jewish state but it grew on me. The same way holiday cards grew on me.

There's something really magical about this time of year - people are nicer (except on Black Friday) and more giving. Living abroad made it hard to connect with the most wonderful time of the year but I still received the most beautiful Hanukkah and Christmas cards from friends and family. That helped a bit. I vowed to start sending holiday cards once we returned home.

Fast forward a little while, we've been in the US for over a year and we're going on our second holiday season ... with no cards. The problem? I can't find any I like. Some are too Jesus-y and others are too snow flake-y. I need a card that transcends the holiday. We're a blended family, so it can't be too Christmas-y and it can't be too Jew-y, either. Ya feel me?

I found a few options on that I like and I'm teetering between the. I need a card with enough space for pictures of the kids and my fur-babies (yes, I just called them that). Getting my kids to sit long enough for a picture is a rarity and the dogs don't sit still when they see the camera - I believe Sparky thinks it'll steal his soul - so he moves. Here are a few options (tell me what you think):

Minted Holiday Card
I like this one - it has enough space for a few pictures and it's super colorful!

Minted photo christmas card
I also really like this one because it's a little more seasonal.

In the end, I think we'll go with this one...
...because it holds a TON of pictures!!

Yup. I'll be going to THIS will be our send out those cute-but-annoying holiday cards. Do you think you can handle this cuteness???


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