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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Review: Where Do Animals Live?

So, I'm always on the lookout for cool new things to try out on the iPad. If I can combine iPad stuff with something educational for Yoavi, I'm sold! Recently, I was given the opportunity to try out a new app. I knew in advance that the app may be a bit too old for his little mind but I opted to try it out anyway.


The app is functional in both Hebrew and English. Another reason I feel SOLD! The app is called "Where Do Animals Live?" and it's a matching game!

I'll admit, the first few tries worked but there was no sound. Then, magically, it started speaking to us in Hebrew.

So, YoYo and I sat down to start making matches. At first, he wanted nothing to do with the game but then it clicked and he enjoyed watching Ima put the pictures together. Before too long, he tried to do it himself.

I'll admit a few things I didn't like about the app - the sound kept coming and going. There seems to be a bug in the app itself that keeps turning it off. Additionally, I was expecting there to be more Hebrew - we're trying to keep Yoavi bilingual so having an app that works in both Hebrew and English is great ... when there are actual words being said.

Still, that didn't stop us from loving the game! Yoav really likes to try to match up the animals to their mommies (it's his favorite!!)

I wish I had the opportunity to take some pictures of us using the app but he's a one-year-old boy with places to go and people to see (and dog bowls to turn over). If you're interested in the app, we highly recommend it and you can download it here.

Make sure to become a fan of them on Facebook, too!

I received this product through Outburst Media in exchange for my honest review.


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