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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Future Home Dreams!

Craig and I have been talking a lot about what kind of home we want to buy (eventually) and how I'll we'll decorate. One of the issues we had with our place in Israel was that it looked old and it wasn't furnished nicely. The bathrooms needed a major upgrade! Granted, so did the rest of the rooms. We know we'll need to put in a lot of work to update our future home (homes in this area were built in the 40s and 50s - some haven't been updated since then!) but with the right furnishings, a classic American home can look European-chic (not that there's anything wrong with looking classically American).

Big issue? Finding quality furnishings. We've seen a lot of appliances that look nice but just don't quite fit my vision. I've looked online and I've only found one site that has nice furnishings for bathrooms. Seriously, when I go to decorate my bathroom, I'm just going to get it all at Waterworks. It's the only place I've found that fits my vision! Plus, they have tub teas. Do you know how hard it is to find tub teas??? VERY!

As for the rest of the house, I found a few nice couches (hello Orange!), and I have a few ideas for Yoavi's room (can you say "baseball theme"?) - the main things we're really looking at are a) nice kitchen; b) nice bathrooms; c) guest room; and d) living room. Notice how I didn't mention master bedroom? It's because we can't agree on much. Thankfully, we have some time before we need to actually plan this stuff out!


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