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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today already started out on a weird foot. I woke up early because I realized it was my Dad's birthday. I don't mean 7am early. I mean 5:45am early. That's a little early to remember it's your dad's birthday, right? I thought so. Anyway, I am incredibly thankful for my Dad today. A few of my friends grew up with out fathers or had their fathers taken from them too early - mine is still around and kicking... and sometimes driving me up a wall. That's his job, though.

Not only am I thankful to have my Dad around, I am incredibly thankful for everything he has done to give me a better life. He's worked tirelessly for most of his life to provide for his family - now he gets to enjoy his retirement in Florida!

I'm thankful he's done what he can to come visit us in Israel - it means the world to us when he and Joanne come to visit. Now that we have Baby Glaser on the way, we're excited to see them again February! There's nothing cooler than watching all of my parents hang out with their grandkids!

Happy birthday, Dad! We hope you're enjoying your big day and we look forward to spending many more birthdays with you! We love you!


Talya A. Woolf said...

Much love & birthday wishes for the whole year! -Talya

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