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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Holiday Happiness

Good morning readers! I want to start off my post by telling you just how amazing you all are! Truly amazing! Life has been both happy-sad for me lately. Happy because... well, I'm pregnant. Sad because I really miss my grandmother.

I haven't done much cooking since Saturday because I caught the flu. SO much more fun when you're pregnant... let me tell you. Wait, wait. No it's not. It's horrific. But every day gets a little better. The Jewish holidays are coming at the end of the month - specifically Rosh HaShanah (the Jewish New Year).

You can feel the vibe in the air already and the buzz around the malls is electric! Rosh HaShanah here is what Christmas is in the US. Except without the carols. And snow. There's NO snow. We also have this whole apples and honey thing plus pomegranates. Everything is decorated with fake (or real if you're in my family) pomegranates.

Ever had pomegranate juice... like raw juice? It's divine. I highly recommend it. It's also amazing when mixed with fresh OJ... but you should really get it from a guy who looks like this and owns a stand in a Shuk (market):
Doesn't he make you want fresh juice?

The Jewish holidays are always a happy time for me and they are totally different in the Holy Land than they are in good ol' Michigan. Back in the D I'd be in a dress or a suit to go to the synagogue for two days... multiple times a day. Here I go to visit my family and eat food I didn't have to cook myself (YAY!)... although I always bring something. These are the usual suspects found at lunch or dinner:

My only issue with going to visit my family here is this: my Hebrew is STILL not good enough. I work for an American company (in their office here), I went to school in English, Craig and I speak in English at home (duh... we're both Anglos)... so I really don't have a chance to speak Hebrew that often. 

Still, with the High Holy Days quickly approaching, I'm planning my own menu for what to serve when we're NOT with family. Since there are over 6 million Jews in Israel, you can imagine that there are infinite ways to make gefilte fish, tzimmes, and honey cake... still, my Bubba made them the best (IMO). 

For today, I'll leave you with this...

I'll do my best to update you with as many easy Rosh HaShanah recipes as I can before the holiday! Happy eating!


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