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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spiraling towards Sabotage!

I blogged a while back about an eCourse that I did with Joanna Lindenbaum, the Soulful Coach. The eCourse was free and really made me think. I struggle with the "I'm not good enough for..." and the eCourse got me thinking that I AM good enough. I'm more than good enough for things.

When I was younger, the idea of "I'm not good enough for..." wasn't even in my HEAD! It wasn't! I thought I was capable of doing anything. Somewhere in the last few years, the idea of being able to conquer anything left my head and self-doubt started to fill.

For instance, at work, rather than being creative I just sit and do what's expected of me. It's just now who I am. I thought about moving my life into a new direction but I didn't because I didn't think I was good enough for any new job openings. I didn't think I was good enough to reach higher.

I'm always afraid that I'm not good enough and this mindset is killing my soul. Joanna has been amazing at steering me in a new direction. Her job as a life coach seemed odd to me at first but she's so much more than just a life coach. She's a coach for busy women - like me. It's kind of like having a cheerleader on your side at all times, but she's really helped me see that I'm worth so much more.

Right now, I'm actually really excited for her free teleclass. I don't normally like calling in and listening to teleclasses - seriously, they bother me but I'm excited for Joanna's teleclass because I might actually learn something from this. I'm constantly sabotaging my own destiny. One of my girlfriend's put it best, she said I fight my battles alone. I know I shouldn't but I do. My intuition scares me - as does the unknown path. My favorite line in Joanna's description was this:

You CAN overcome the fears and anxieties in your way of creating success and abundance for yourself.

I really want to overcome my fear of the unknown. I'm not sure that I always want to be involved in the marketing world - I'd really like to go back and get my MA and PhD in Holocaust studies. I worry that I won't find a job afterwards or that I don't have enough experience to start such an intensive program but I'm confident that the teleclass might be able to break some of my bad habits.

Just in case you're interested, you can register for Joanna's free teleclass on her website, or just click here. I'm excited to take this journey - why don't you take the journey with me?


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