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Friday, June 4, 2010

Flower Arranging vs. Chicken Soup

On Thursday, I had the audacity to plan out my Friday. I was going to go for a long walk, pick up a bunch of flowers, some vases, head to the market to buy some fruits and veggies and relax at home.

Man plans.

G-d laughs.

I woke up on Friday with a cold. I could feel it coming - the sore throat, itchy nose, watery eyes... the works. I decided that wasn't going to stop me from one project I had planned: flower arranging.

When Craig and I got engaged and started planning our wedding, I knew I wanted to plan our centerpieces by myself. Don't ask me WHY I felt compelled to do it but I wanted to do it anyway. I set aside this weekend (my only free weekend before exams) to practice my flower arranging.

There was no long walk. No market. No relaxation. I did pick up my flowers and my make-shift vases.

As the day wore on, my cold got worse. I've never had a cold come on this quickly before. Usually, the sore throat lasts a bit longer. A few of my friends have come down with pneumonia which worries me a bit. Yet, I still went on as planned with my flowers.

By 6pm, all I wanted was sleep. My flowers were done but my grandmother asked me a brilliant question "why did you waste your time with flowers? You should have made yourself chicken soup!" She had a point. The flower arranging won because, well, I am stubborn. Now I have no soup for a sore throat. No soup for a cough. No soup for comfort.

Instead, I sit - wide awake - at 3AM. I am disturbing the dogs and depriving them of their sleep. I am also wishing I had made myself chicken soup. Tomorrow's beach day is canceled. I plan to sleep all day (thanks to mother nature's cruel joke in keeping me awake at 3am)... but at least I have pretty, cheerful flowers to keep around the house!


Melissa G said...

I hope you're feeling better by now!

MrsHillyG said...

I'm starting to feel better. I even went to the gym today! Granted, I coughed a lot but it felt really good to get back to the gym!

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