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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hail to the Victors, Pt. I

It's Sukkot and rather than going to shul and eating in the succah, I had an interview at the University of Michigan (WHOO HOO!) - I interviewed for a senior brand manager position for their hospital. The people I met with are so knowledgeable and are truly leaders in their fields! When asked how it went, the answer I keep giving is "hell if I know!" I can't say it went one way or another. Sometimes I get a really good feeling about an interview, and other times I feel like an interview went horribly. With this one, it's a day after the interview and I still have no clue! I think I may have annoyed some people with my long answers and odd analogies but, overall, I think it went well.
I said "Go Blue!" - Yoavi

Working at U of M is a DREAM of mine! Why? Well, I'm a born wolverine, so I bleed maize and blue. Also, medicine really intrigues me.  The world of health care is like this massive spider web that no one really understand but I might get the chance to weed through. Ever since working at GlassesUSA, I found an importance in making medical care easier to understand because most doctors don't. Sometimes they forget that patients aren't doctors. I've been told in the past to go Google something because it's easier for me to find it on Google than it would be for a doctor to explain it. Go figure. Then again, I've been banned from WebMD by Craig because I get too wrapped up in medical-speak. Maybe I was a doctor in a former life. Who knows.

This day got off to a rough start. My Mom's car is overheating, so she has the car we've been using and we have my Zeidy's car for the day. Downside: I forgot to take Yoavi's car seat out of the Flex. Upside: I'm forced to stay home (which is needed because I don't feel so well today). Still, we had the opportunity to drive my mom's car to get it fixed but we can't find the spare set of keys. WTF! How crazy is this day going to get?!? I hope not too crazy - I'm in yoga pant mode.

So, readers, share some stories with me. Have you ever had an interview that you weren't certain about but wound up getting the job in the end?


Becoming Supermommy said...

I grew up in Ann Arbor! GREAT town! I hope you get the job!!!

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