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Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Race Begins

When I got pregnant, I wasn't the slimmest person in the world. In fact, I felt really horrible about myself. I started a diet program around my 30th birthday that led me to some weight loss ... and then I got pregnant! For the most part, I ate really really well during my pregnancy. I'll admit that I indulged a bit but I wasn't completely sedentary.

Yoav is officially 3 weeks old today and I'm finally feeling well enough to start working out a bit. The downside? The weather here kind of sucks. By the end of my pregnancy, I felt like a whale and I probably looked like it, too. Three weeks later, I've lost 27 lbs. I'm not joking... that's how much fluid was in me. If 7lbs was baby, then another 20lbs was water! I'm still shedding water like you wouldn't believe but I think the worst is over. Another downside? I still have 8lbs left to go before I'm back to my "original" pre-baby weight. Sinking even lower into my hole... 8lbs is just the tip of the iceberg. I want to be back to the weight I was in 2007 - 125lbs. I have a LONG way to go!

I don't want to be skinny. I want to be healthy! I want to be muscular and fit, not thin and flabby. It's time to dust off my old workout clothes and start hitting the pavement with Yoav! I have 11 weeks left of maternity leave which means I have 11 weeks left to lose some weight. We move back around August which means I have about 22 weeks left to lose A LOT of weight. If I lose 2lbs per week from now until I move back to the Motor City, I will have lost 44lbs. Think I can do it?

Let the race against the clock begin!


Jodi said...

2 lbs a week is a respectable goal! That's mine too. I've got about 85 pounds left till goal, let's see if we can both do 44 before you come home!

Honey B. said...

Wait a second, you're moving back to the States??

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