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Monday, November 18, 2013

Turning into a Hanukkah Hostess

From Mommy-Mode to Spastic Hostess

Since last Tuesday, I've switched from being overly nervous due to Yoav's congenital ptosis surgery, to freaking out that Hanukkah is right around the corner. I seriously did NOT realize how close the holiday is until today.

Mind you, I think we spent about $30 at Target buying up cool Hanukkah goodies and decorations but it seriously did not dawn on me until TODAY that Hanukkah is next week. So is Thanksgiving.

Someone get me a deep fryer, STAT!

For real, I need one for frying up the latkes.

We have sensitive smoke detectors in our house, so once I start cooking them in a pan - I have about five minutes until the alarms go off. Joy.

At least I bought the kids their gifts early. And I mean all the kids. All 11 of them.

How to Host the Perfect Hanukkah Party

Don't go crazy with the decor!
Since we're hosting the family Hanukkah party this year (and probably every year after this, if it doesn't suck), I decided to give you some pointers on how to host the perfect Hanukkah party.

  1. STOP putting ideas in your head that this is going to be perfect - it's not. Don't set yourself up for failure.
  2. Make lists. You'll need plenty of them. You need a list for food to buy, then food other people need to bring. Then a list for decorations. There's also a list for how many tables you need, plus the one about how many people are coming. Just keep creating lists.
  3. Go to Pinterest. Create a Pinterest Hanukkah board. Search for cool Hanukkah stuff. Then PIN EVERYTHING!
  4. Using your Hanukkah board, look at your list and figure out what's do-able. 
  5. Do NOT make sufganiyot yourself. Go to Tim Horton's or Dunkin' Donuts. 
  6. Don't involve your kids in the Hanukkah decorations until they are old enough to know that glue sticks belong on paper - not on walls. 
  7. Use the fun freeze dried hash browns that you get in bulk at Costco for the latkes. DON'T peel a billion potatoes by yourself.
By this point, you've got an idea of what you need - now you need to invite people. Go to paperless post and do it online - save yourself some cash.

Figure out what you can prep in advance and freeze or put away. Then, the day of...
  • Start drinking.
  • Start cooking.
  • Continue drinking.
  • Send someone out for the donuts.
  • Start arranging your platters.
  • Keep drinking.
  • Take a nap.
  • Take a shower.
  • Get ready.
  • Have another cocktail.
  • Put out your goodies.
  • Set the tables.
  • Put out your decorations.
  • Have another drink.
  • Sit on the couch and wait for your guests.

Have a happy holiday!


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