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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Planning Thanksgiving Feasts

When do I get Hanukkah gifts??
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here ... and it's not even Thanksgiving yet. Have any BIG plans for America's largest day of gratitude? I plan on pigging out eating responsibly at my sister's house. I'm excited because it's Yoav's FIRST Thanksgiving and also Craig's first 'official' turkey day. Back in the Holy Land, we hosted a Thanksgiving-themed Shabbat dinner every year and headed to our friends for the actual turkey feast. We'll miss those times and we certainly miss our friends but it'll be SO cool to spend Thanksgiving with both my mom AND my dad! That hasn't happened to me since I was about 9 years old.

I'm also super stoked because my big sister will be in town from NYC. I haven't seen her in a long time, so I can't wait to give her a big ol' hug! It'll be her first time meeting Yoav, so it's a little sentimental for me. She'll be in town because Bubbie is turning the big 100! It's the 75th anniversary of her 25th birthday. The parents are planning a BIG party, so Craig and I are working on a special surprise for her. We hope she likes it!

Since Thanksgiving day is coming up quickly, I need some ideas for a fall-themed salad to bring to my sister's house. Any ideas? Leave 'em in the comments!

In case you're wondering how cold it is in Michigan, it's so cold that the dog puts his nose under the blanket like this:
I'm cold. And ignoring you.


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