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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME!

It's my birthday, today. I am officially 31! Age 30 brought me a lot of great things ... I graduated university (finally); I got pregnant and gave birth to an amazing little boy who keeps me on my toes every single day; I got to see my grandmother, hold her, and talk to her before she passed away - this is an amazing gift and miracle; and I watched my cousin find true love and break barriers.

This year also brought me two new nephews - a gift that any and every aunt should love! That's right, my family now has 3 little boys all under the age of six months. My son will grow up with two other boys who will become his best friends.

This is also the year that I finally came into myself. There's nothing like a pregnancy to make you hate and then love your body. I may be heavier than I was at 21 but I am far more comfortable in my own skin at 31.

So, what will age 31 bring? Who knows. Maybe a happier, healthier me. What will I do to make age 31 the best year I've had yet? I'm going to push my boundaries and not say "no" to something - just because I might be afraid. I'm also going to participate in the I ♥ Myself Project because I'm sick of rejecting myself because I may not feel like I deserve praise/love (sound familiar? Maybe you should sign up, too - it's free).

I'm making some big changes this coming year. I'm finally going to pursue my passions and I won't take "no" for an answer anymore. I'm going to stop judging my mothering skills based on other people's opinions. I'm going to strengthen my marriage because my husband is my best friend and I can't imagine walking through life without him. I'm going to learn to love myself and my body. I'm going to finally listen to the positivity that is out there and remember that even the most beautiful women sometimes feel unpretty.

But I love myself and who I've become. I just want to love myself FULLY and UNCONDITIONALLY!

At age 31 I can safely say that I love who I've become.

This will still be a tough year but what year isn't? We're still working on Craig's immigration status. I want to move home - I miss my family! Yoav's ptosis is an entirely new form of stress that I've never dealt with before. But I'm ready for the challenges ahead. I'm stronger than ever and I won't go down without a fight.

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! This is going to be my best year yet!


Lin said...

I'm a little late but Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day.

Selena said...

Beautiful post :) Hope your birthday was wonderful!

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