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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Craving Chocolate? A Review... of sorts

A little while ago, Shufersal grocery store gave us a voucher for free chocolate.

Yeah, you read right - FREE chocolate. Who's gonna turn that down? Not me... well, not then. We got vouchers for Belgian chocolate (both milk and dark) with and without filling. The filling was an almond flavor filling. At the time, I was SO geeked to try free chocolate.

What changed? A visit to the gym. In Israel, when you sign up for a gym you get a comprehensive "physical" of sorts. My weight didn't bother the woman I was working with, Karin. I said "I know, I know, I'm fat." And she said "you're not but your body fat is waaaay to high for someone your age." While it was nice to hear I'm not the fat-ass I believe I am, it was harder to hear that I'm at risk for having heart issues if I don't clean up my act.

My heart is the ONLY part of my body that works well. So, upon learning about a diet that will "trick" my body into losing weight, I signed on. The diet is called the 17 Day Diet by Dr. Michael Moreno. My diet starts tomorrow so I'll write more then. I'm giving this my all so I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Now, about the Chocolate. I have to be honest when I say that the Belgian Dark Chocolate with 66% Cacao was my favorite. I don't like sugary chocolate so the other Shufersal chocolates were waaaaay too high in sugar for both of us. Does this mean we didn't eat it? No. I took some of it to work (especially the milk chocolate variety) and give it to my coworkers to try.

Much like any other food, chocolate tastes vary. My main boss is like me, he preferred the dark chocolate. The milk chocolate was polished off in seconds flat by my other two bosses. In the end, my preference was the really dark chocolate. The sugar content was low and it tasted like chocolate is supposed to taste - rich and luxurious. Well done, Shufersal, well done.


Jen said...

Chocolate is great. Free chocolate is AMAZING. Best of luck with your diet. I'm starting mine over again tomorrow. I have to restart every other day!

Hillary Glaser said...

Thank you, Jennee! I need all the luck I can get! I'll be documenting just about every day with my progress.

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