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Friday, February 5, 2010

Going Home...

It's official! We're headed home to Detroit! Craig will finally get to see where it is I come from and I will finally get to eat a kosher hot dog at Leo's Coney Island. I know, I live in the land of Kosher food BUT they have terrible hot dogs in Israel. Yuck! I will also get to eat Buddy's Pizza. YUMMY! Oh, and go to Frankenmeuth. Awesome!

We'll be making our rounds across Michigan from March 22nd until April 8th, 2010. WHOO HOO!

Oh and just for fun, you should check out this great new site that has the FUNNIEST kid's quotes! This one had me laughing so hard:

3rd Grade Teacher - Minnesota Award Winner

Posted Date: 02-04-2010


Teacher: What does varicose mean? 3rd Grader: Nearby.

Go and take a look... I dare you!

Also, we're registered at Bed Bath and Beyond and Target.

That's all for now, folks!


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