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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Taking Care of Mom - Post-Baby

Last week, I wrote a post about baby gifts - what to get and what not to get expectant moms. In truth, I've been really lucky - I LOVE everything that's been given to us but the post made me think about what we need and what I need in a larger capacity. I'm constantly being told by my friends that right now is the time to indulge and be selfish ... to spend a little money on myself. In one day, I was told to get a manicure and pedicure plus a new haircut and hair color ... by four different people. First of all, I like my hair cut and my color. Second, I can do my nails myself. Doing my toes is a bit harder but, c'mon people, it's winter! I have a hard enough time shaving my legs this time of year - don't expect me to get a pedicure!

Anyway, as I eagerly await the arrival of the little monster currently destroying my insides, I'm pinning away on Pinterest. My friend, Sarah, wrote a great post about how loving your kids and loving motherhood are not the same thing. This got me thinking that I really need to find things that are just for me so I don't wind up resenting motherhood or my child. So, I created three new boards on Pinterest: Healthy Foods, Post-Baby Workout, and Post-Maternity Style. I know I'm supposed to be worried about the baby's well being, and I will be, but who is going to worry about my well being. So many of my friends have had children and then stopped taking care of themselves. While I won't call them out publicly on it, I really don't want to go that route. Craig and I agreed a loooooonnnnnng time ago that taking care of me is just as important as taking care of Baby Glaser.

During parts of my pregnancy, I went a little crazy with foods that weren't necessarily healthy for me. While 90% of what I eat is good for me, 10% of it hasn't been and I want to change that... hence my health board. I have no intention of eating fat-free this or reduced-calorie that (you should know me better) but I want to put more fruit and veggies into my belly. This pregnancy was rough... I couldn't eat so many complex carbohydrates like brown rice, multigrain bread, or even wheat bread! It totally messed with my system. I love smoothies but, lately, fruit has been really expensive here. I've started freezing fruit that's about to go off and even started buying things like pineapple and apricot in their canned variety. Thankfully, we have a little blender so making smoothies isn't so rough but those are about to get healthier as well!

Once the baby is out, I'm going back to eating healthier!

I'm also heading back to the gym as soon as I can!! So many of my friends tell me that just getting out for a walk helps clear the mind but the gym is "me" time. It'll be a chance for Craig to bond with the baby and a chance for me to get away from the baby ... and Craig ... and the dogs. Don't worry, I won't go overboard but I want to lose the baby weight, get healthy, and be on a path that could have me looking like this:

Source: via Hillary on Pinterest

Ok, maybe I won't look like that ... but I'd like to look healthy. And be a size 4. Again. One of my bloggy friends said this wasn't a lofty goal since the baby will need fresh air (and I will need to get out of the apartment), daily walks will help me lose the baby weight. I do have a goal - look better by the time my maternity leave is over. "Better" means not double-chinned and bloated.

The last part of taking care of me comes in the form of clothing. I have clothes that can last me a few weeks after the baby is born but once the initial bloat is gone and I'm deflated, I can't really wear some of this stuff ... and I don't want to invest in a new wardrobe just yet. Remember, I want to lose weight so investing in a brand new wardrobe is just dumb ... but I did make a deal with my Dad. When he and Jo-mama visit, they'll babysit so I can go interim-clothes shopping. Here are a few of my basic style ideas:

Source: via Hillary on Pinterest

If you couldn't tell, I like jeans... a lot. The problem: I don't have any!!! These outfits are my cool-Mommy casual-chic outfits that can (and will) be mixed and matched.

So, what do you do to take care of you post-baby? Is there anything special you do for "me" time? 


Kelly Bejelly said...

The most helpful thing for me was having people bring us dinner during the week after my son came. It made a huge difference! After that, just slowly starting to do walks and now I'm ready to start getting my baby weight off!

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